Please help us if you know which serial number these Playboy cars are.
Are the top two photos of the same car? (UPDATE: We have clarified that the top two photos -- red cars -- are of car #91, currently privately owned in Missouri.)
Are the bottom two photos of the same car?
We don't know. Do you know which Playboy cars these are? Let us know if you do!
Help us to locate and reference all of the remaining Playboy cars out there! If you know of one not pictured here, please let us know!
You can see that this Playboy car shown above is being displayed at a relatively recent classic car show. Which car is this? (UPDATE: We are now reasonably confident that this is car #75.)
The rare group of photos below shows a 1951 Playboy, which was the one example of the updated Playboy car that was built by the Chinese businessmen who acquired the assets of the Playboy Motorcar Corporation after its bankruptcy. Note the comparison to the standard 1948 Playboy model parked behind it. The location of this 1951 Playboy is now unknown. Do you know where it is?
Copyright Ed Howard All rights reserved.